Quaııtitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Equipments Used in Mass Feeding Inslitiıılions Where Daily Food Service is 500 and Above


  • Gül Kızıltan Başkent Üniversitesi Vocational School of Social Sciences
  • Türkan Kutluay Merdol Hacettepe University Department of Nutrition and Dietetics


mass feeding facilities, equipment, periodic maintenance, instructions, cleaning compound, stainless steel, dietatians opinions


Tlıis study has been desigııed t o investigate t he kitcheıı equipnıents and their ejfects on the service qııality in mass feeding facilities where daily food service is 500 and above. The iııvestigation also includes the opinions of dietetians on pıırchasing, ıısing and cleatıing these equipments and the problenıs \vhich they arefacing and a comparison between the equipments and the ne\v Standard that had developed. The study includes fıve State hospitals and t\vo private ones. The fıııdings itıdicated that the hospitals have 57% insuffıcient area and 54% insuffıcient equipment. The most equipnıent deffıciency had been noticed in the storage units (71%), pıırchasing and control unit(68%) preparing unit(61%), respectively. The 72% and 26% of eqııipment are made of stainless steel and copper, respectively. The 59% of equipnıent contain secıırity panııels but most of them have no instructions for ıısing. The 8.4% of eqııipments have ıısing instructions. The 7% of the eqııipments have proper nıaintenance. The usage of the special cleaniııg compoıuıds for the equipnıent has beenfound out as 14%. Tlıis insııffıciency ejfects the appearence of the materials. When the equipment had been investigated in respect t o its coııditions in terms of scratches, cracks, corrosioııs ete, 43% of these equipnıeııts \vere in poor coııditions in particular preparing ıınit. lıı hospitals dietetians are playiııg an aetive role in bııyiııg eqııipment and preparing teehnieal proposals. Mostly they pay a considerable attention to fıow well sııited to the need of the hospitals and coıısidering financial aspect of it, also ali dietitians claimed that they are following the up t o date teclınology.


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How to Cite

Kızıltan G, Kutluay Merdol T. Quaııtitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Equipments Used in Mass Feeding Inslitiıılions Where Daily Food Service is 500 and Above. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 2000 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];29(1):17-23. Available from: https://beslenmevediyetdergisi.org/index.php/bdd/article/view/824


