The Studıes On Some Metalıc Ions Contents Of Pıckled Whıte Cheese Marketed In Ankara
In this research 42 samples of pickled white cheese samples taken from supermarkets in Ankara vvere studied. Metalic ion contents of samples such as iron, copper, plumb and tin were measured by Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometry. The results of the experiments have been summaıized as follows : — The iron levels of 24 samples were exceeded the limits set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. — The proportion of them were also found to have excess amounts of tin and plumb. They were packed in proviously usec* cans an d stored for a long time. As a result, effective measures for controlling the levels of metalic ions in white cheese must be taken up. Furthermore, the properties of thin cans used in the manufacture of white cheese should definitely be established and legislation must be amended.