Nutrıtıonal Knowledge and Food Habıts Of Female Athletes and Non-Athletes Unıversıty Students In Metropolıtan Cıty
The purpose of this study was to find o ut food h ab its and nutritional knovvledge of the female university students. The study was carried out on 500 female students who were grouped as high, midd.e and low nutritional education levels. The majority of the students (72.2 %) were found to be in their normal weights, but obese students among middle (24.9 %) and low (16.7 %) nutrition educational level were seen. The majority of the students (58 %) eat 3 times a day. Some of them skips över the breakfasi for some reasons. Students were compared in level of nutrnional knowledge attitude toward nutrition and food intake. The results showed that there was a significant differences among schools in level of nutrition knowledge and consumption and choice of the foods smoking hab its and drinking alcholic beverages are not common among the students. The minority of the students (24.8 %) were found to deal vvith some varied sp o rt branehes, the others (78.2 %) vvere not. They ate th e ir reg u la r meals during heavy. training (54 %) and pre-training sessions (42 %) of the subjects were reported. Rest of the subjects exchanged their meals with high carbohydrate and easily digestable foods on during pre and heavy sessions.