Nutrıtıonal Status Of 12 -14 Years Old School Boys and Workers


  • Nevin Taşçı Hacettepe University
  • Mehmet Şahin Diyetisyen
  • Ayşe Baysal Hacettepe University




In this study, food consumption p a ttem s and height and weight measurements of 188 boys whom 94 of them were stu d en ts in 60 th Year Primary School and the others were ^vorkers’in wood industry. Average daily energy consumption levels were betvveen 2218-2280 k. cal. in students, these levels were betvveen 2483-2601 k. cal. in working groups. These were 200 - 600 k. cal lower th an recommended levels. Consumption levels of iron, Vit. B2, and Vit. C were also inadequate in bo th groups. Energy consumption levels of 12 and 14 years of working group was higher th an students. Also 14 years of working group consumed more protein, and 13 years of them consumed higher calcium th an stu dents (p < 0.05). However, Vit A and vit C consumption levels were higher in 14 years of students than working group. There weren’t important differences of consumption levels of the other nutritients, children in student group, especially 14 years of age, were taller and heavier than working groups (p < 0.05). These results may indicate th a t starting to work inadolescant age having inadequate n u trition in this period prevent adequate growth of children. There were important interrelations betvveen calcium consumption and height (p <0.05). This may be result of very low level consumption of milk and milk products.


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How to Cite

Taşçı N, Şahin M, Baysal A. Nutrıtıonal Status Of 12 -14 Years Old School Boys and Workers. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1987 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];16(2):139-52. Available from:


