The Interactıons In Between Stature Of 5-7 Yrs Old Chıldren, Parents' Stature and Hıstory Of Malnutrıtıon
The stature of 5-7 yrs old children in Sivas Ulaş Health District with respect to their parents' stature and their nutrition status during early childhood is studied. Data about the nutrition status of the children are enlisted from their growth charts. 30.9 % of the children were found stunted according to "height for age" standards. 6.5 % of the children were found below - 2 SD of the "weight for height" standards. The stature of the parents of the stunted children were found shorter than of normals'. The children who were exposed to malnutrition-either in weight or height-during 0-2 yrs of age, were also found shorter than the children who did not experience malnutrition during those ages. These findings show that both genetic factors and nutrition affect the physical development of the children. Since the mean height of mothers were rather short, existence of a chronic under nutrition problem in the district might be alleged.