Socıal, Health and Nutrıtıon Status Of Elderly People Lıvıng In Nursıng Home In Adana


  • Cahide Yağmur Çukurova University




This study w as conducted to determine the social, health and the nutritional status o f elderly people living in an institution in Adana. The data were obtained by questionnaires and also by direct observations. All o f the people were 65 years old and over. A total o f 43 subjects (33 males, 10 females) were studied out o f 75 people residing at the institution. Their average ages were 75.5 for the males and 70.5 for the females. The average BM1 (Body Mass Index : Weight - kg / Height - m2) were 24.0 for the males and 27.7 for the females. 36.4 % o f the males and 70 % o f the females were overweight. 9.1 % o f the males were underweight. While 37.2 % o f the subjects did not have any children ; the others had from one to seven children and 58.1 % had no income. 39.5 % o f the subject had no disease, while 60.5 % had one or more and only 26.6 % were on diet. 79.1 % o f subjects didn't smoke and almost none o f them used alcohol. 95.3 % o f them drank tea, and 81.4 % d rank ayran. T he results o f this study indicate that both the food being served in the institution and individual bread consumption exceeds the standards for daily energy and protein requirements o f this age, supplies the other nutrition elements sufficiently except vitamin A. Consumption of milk - yogurt, vegetables and fruits are too low ; but meat, eggs, dry legumes, bread, other cereals and fats are excessive. A very high percentage, o f subjects 88.4 %, were satisfied with the food service.


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How to Cite

Yağmur C. Socıal, Health and Nutrıtıon Status Of Elderly People Lıvıng In Nursıng Home In Adana. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1994 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];23(2):211-29. Available from:


