Dietary Assessment of Pre-and Post-Natal Turkish Women
Mothers, pregnancy, food consumption, dietary habits, breast milk, vitamins, mineralsAbstract
Iıı this longitidunal study of nutritional status of preand post-natal Turkish woınen, the subjects were raııdomly seleeted fronı expecting nıothers attending 10 different lıealtlı centres in İstanbul and Kocaeli Provinces during 13-17th weeks o f gestation (İst stage, n — 130). The sanıe gı oıtp was folhnved ııp betweeıı 28-32ııd \veeks of gestation (2ııd stage, tı=88) and 13-17t!ı weeks postpartunı (3rd stage, n=95). Dietary ha bit s nere assessed and dietary records were obtained twice in pregnaney and oııce post-partum by the itse of24-hr recall method. Results of the food intake data have shown that most of the women can not meet their ııutritioııal ııeeds. According to food consumptioıı patterııs, pre- and post-natal women, on average, were found to be deficient in many nutrients (calcium, iron, zinc, vitaıııins A, B2, B6 and folic acid) except energy, protein, vitamins E and C. The relationships of mate mal blood nutrients with energy and nutrient consumptioıı o f nıothers were investigated. The vitamin (A and B2 ) and mineral (calcium, magnesiıım, iron, zinc, sodiıım, potassium) coınposition of breast milk was determiııed. The relationship between ıuıtrient intake o f mothers and breast milk coınposition was evaluated.