The Beverage Consumption of University Students and the Factors Determining Their Preferences


  • Nurten Budak Erciyes University
  • Betül Çiçek Erciyes University
  • Habibe Şahin Erciyes University


Beverage kinds, frequency of beverage consumption, beverage preference reasons, university students


Beverages are important fo r meeting the body ’s water requirement. The quantity and the kinds of the beverages consumed are related to the traditions, habits and social life conditions. The aim of this study is to determine the frequency, kind and preferences of university students on beverage consumption. The data is obtained from 203 girls (%39.7) and 308 boy s (%60.3) totally 511 students of Erciyes University by a questionnaire. The mean age o f the students were found to be 21.0 ± 2.1 years and BMI were 21.9 ± 2.5 kg/m2 and evaluated as normal. According to the decision o f the students on the health o f the beverage; 53.4% o f the students indicate water as the healthiest beverage, 31.9% o f the students indicate milk as the healthiest beverage respectively, in other words the majority of the students (85.3%) indicate these 2 beverages as the healthiest. Totally, 41.1% of the participants preferred water and milk as the healthiest beverages because o f not containing an additive, 19.2% high nutritive value and 19.0% provide the continuity o f life. The students ’ beverage consumptions are as follows: 100% consumed water, 97.4% black tea, 92.6% ayran, 80.8% milk, 80.5% coffee, 61.3% fruit juice , 58.5% mineral w a te r and 50.5% cola drinks respectively. The participants consumed herbal tea (24.8%) and alcoholic beverages (19.4%) least. Male students preferred coffee, mineral water and alcoholic beverages more than female students. The majority o f the students consumed water (99.1%) and black tea (88.4%) daily, ayran (41.8%) milk (27.9%), and coffee (27.2%) oncetwice a week, alcoholic beverages (80.6%), herbal tea (75.1%), other beverages (65.9%), cola drinks (49.5%) and fruit juice (38.7%) none and mineral water (41.5%) none and 40.6% consumed rarely. Mean daily beverage consumption o f students were daily 1068 ± 820 mL water, 432 ± 310 mL black tea, oncetwice a week 192 ± 85 mL fo r ayran, 176 ± 57 mL for milk and 177 ± 97 mL fo r coffee and least 173 ± 116 mL fo r powder beverages and tıırnip juice respectively. Male students consumed more black tea and water than the female students. O f the students consunıing; the majority preferred black tea habitually (43.2%) and for its taste (36.4%), milk, mineral water and ayran (68.1%, 47.5%, 43.6% respectively) f o r their being healthy while 38.5% didn ’t prefer herbal tea related to its low availability and diffıculties in preparation and high prices; 38.1% d id n ’t p re fe r cola drinks because of not enjoying their tastes , 35.4% d id n ’t prefer alcoholic beverages a c co rding to their opinion on its harmful effects on health. As conclusion the students should be educated in order to consume beverages that contribute to their daily energy and nutrient requ ire - ments, have proper prices and quality and in our country the beverages that possess these p ro p erties should be encouraged to be manufactured and sold in students locations.


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How to Cite

Budak N, Çiçek B, Şahin H. The Beverage Consumption of University Students and the Factors Determining Their Preferences. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 2002 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];31(2):31-40. Available from:


