Escherichia coli 0157 :H7 Contamination in Hamburgers Served at FastFood Restaurants in Ankara


  • Murat Baş Başkent University
  • Türkan Kutluay Merdol Hacettepe University


Ecsherichia coli 0157.H7, hamburger patties, fast-foods


The present study was designed to investigate the existance o f E.coli 0157:H7 in 4 fastfood restaurants that used frozen hanıbınger patties (group I) and 4 fastfood restaıırants that used se lf produce hamburger patties (group II) in Ankara. A total of 160 samples were examined during 4 different periods taken from the fastfood restaıırants (20 samples from each restaıırants). The mECbroth with novobiociıı as an enrichment agar, Flourocıdt E.coli 0157.H7 agar as a seleetive agar and GLISA test kits for confınnation were used in 160 samples. In the fastfoods restaıırants that used frozen hamburger patties existence of E.coli 0157.H7 have not been found. On the other hand only in one of the fastfood restaıırants that used self produce hamburger patties E.coli 0157. H7 has not been found. In 17 samples out of 80 (12 at E restaurant, 3 at F restaurant and 2 at G restaurant samples) presence of E .coli 0 1 5 7 .H 7 sero type have been found positive . Hygienic status o f the restaurants was determined by “hygienic evaluation checklist”. According to this evaluation restaurants in group I scored 80.0-89.0 % and restaurants in group II scored 45.0-80.0 %. In the restaurant where existance o f E.coli 0157.H7 serotype were found positive, result of hygienic evaluation checklist has been found to be very low. As a conclusion it can be said that hygienic standarts of fastfood restaurants has to be improved and hygienic control and principal has to be applied from purchasing to service prosesses. Slaugterhouses shoould be checked regularly because o f the high risk of fe - cal contamination especially during cutting process. In addition importance should be given to the education of directors and personals education and fınally it is also necessary to investigate the existance of this serotype in different products.


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How to Cite

Baş M, Kutluay Merdol T. Escherichia coli 0157 :H7 Contamination in Hamburgers Served at FastFood Restaurants in Ankara. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 2002 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];31(2):19-2. Available from:


