A Study on the Composition of Fatty Acids of Some Biscuits and Biscuit-Like-Cereal Products Produced in Turkey


  • Cahide Yağmur Çukurova University
  • Ayman Mazahreh Al-Balqa Applied University


Biscuits, cereal products, fatty acids


This study was carried oııt on 38 different prodııcts of three different firms based in Turkey. Fatty acids contents o f prodııcts \vere evalııated by aııalysis, Saturation iııdex \vere evalııated by calculation. The anıoıınt of fatty acids \vere as follows; kaproic acid (C6: 00) 0.09 ± 0.20%, kaprilic acid (C8: 00) 0.12 ± 0.24%, kapric acid (C10: 00) 1.35 ±4.12%, laııric acid (C12: 00) 1.02 ± 1.58%, palmitic acid (C16: 00) 25.12 ± 5.34%, palmitoleic acid (C16: 01) 0.13 ± 0.03%, stearic acid (C18: 00) 8.10 ±3.82%, elaidic acid-trans (C18: 01T) 9.12 ± 4.64%, oleic acid (C18: 01) 38.55 ± 3.51%, linoleic acid-trans (C18: 02T) 0.64 ±0.28%, linoleic acid (C18: 02) 12.48 ± 5.77%, arachidic acid (C20: 00) 0.56 ± 0.11%, linolenic acid (C18: 03) 1.05 ± 0.89%, gadoleic acid (C20: 01) 0.18 ± 0.20%, behenic acid (C22: 00) 0.31 ± 0.18%, erıısic acid (C22: 01) 0.06 ± 0.03% and liııgoseric acid (C24: 00) 0.89 ± 0.04% and the total saturated fatty acids (SFA) 38.432 ± 9.601% total monounsatııratedfatty acids (MUFA) 46.930 ± 6.414%, total polyunsatıırated fatty acids (PUFA) 14.243 ± 6.738%, cis-ıınsaturated fcıty acids (cis-UFA) 52.428 ± 8.378%, trans-ıınsatıırated faty acids (trans-UFA) 8.737 ± 9.058%. It was foıuıd that proport'ıon of SFA 31.297 ± 4.042% to 54.403 ±21.641%, MUFA 37.950 ± 5.121% to 52.253 ± 6.220%, PUFA 5.373 ± 0.900% to 22.867 ± 1.78%, cis-UFA 47.283 ± 2.666% to 63.627 ± 3.46% and trans-UFA 1.727 ± 2.255% t o 11.697 ± 6.430%. SFA, MUFA, PUFA, traııs-UFA \vere foıuıd to be significantly different benveen conıpanies. SFA, PUFA. cis- UFA levels \vere significantly different benveen the products. ît \vas found that the levels of SFA and MUFA \vere high, PUFA \vas lo\v. Fıırthermore, trans-UF A w er e \vas detectedin fats.


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How to Cite

Yağmur C, Mazahreh A. A Study on the Composition of Fatty Acids of Some Biscuits and Biscuit-Like-Cereal Products Produced in Turkey. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 2001 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];30(3):5-15. Available from: https://beslenmevediyetdergisi.org/index.php/bdd/article/view/434


