Genetically Modijication and Genetically Modified Foods
Genetical modification, genetically modified foods, potential affectsAbstract
By the modification in genetic material o f plants and animals using genetic modifications techniques the desirable properties o f the crops can be gained. Thus, genetic modification is a significant alternative method against to the traditional crossbreeding practices. Many fo o d s consumed today are either genetically modified (GM) whole foods, or contain ingredients derived from gene modification techııology. Despite the potential benefits of genetic engineering offoods, the technology is surrounded by controversy. Some o f the sp ecific fears expressed by opponents of GM technology include alteration in nutritional quality °ffoods, potential allergenicity, potential toxicity and possible antibiotic resistance from consuming GM foods. In addition, some more general concern include environmental pollution, po ssible creation o f new viruses and toxins, unintentional gene transfer to wildplants and degeneration of plant sociology. Its important to form the legal arrangements according to the results of impartial and scientifıc research data to clear the contradiction on advantage and disadvantages o f genetic modified foods.