The Food Purchasing Behaviour of the Consumers in Kayseri


  • Nurten Budak Erciyes University
  • Betül Çiçek Erciyes University
  • Habibe Şahin Erciyes University


Consumer behaviour, consumer conscious, the principle of food purchasing


Foods to the consumer being exposed to many processes such as transporting, storage, Processing and marketing. These processes not only affect the quality and nutritional value o f the food but also affect the meals prepared by using these foods. These changes obligate the consumers to be conscious about seleeting foods during purchasing. This study has been carried out the determine the factors affeeting the behaviour o f the consumer during fo o d and beverages purchasing. To get the Information a questionnaire has been implemented to a total 400 consumers 211 women and 189 men who were shop pıng in Almer and Beğendik Shopping Centers in Kayseri. Most o f the consumers partipicated in this study were at 21-29 years old, housewives, married, self-employed, graduated from high school and made payment by cash during shopping. The consumers considered the variety o f the products avaiblable (88.8%), inexpensiveness o f the product (81.0%) and affırmative behaviours o f the selling sta jf (69.5%) fo r selecting the sh o p p in g çenter. They co n sid e red the p r ic e (88.3%), expiry date (87.0%) and package o f the products (80.8%) fo r purchasing fo o d and beverages. The level o f education is the main factor affecting the shopping behaviour. University graduated consumers prefer reading label o f the products before purchasing product. They are also affected from the advertisements o f the fo od before shopping than the lower educated consumers. Lower educated consumers prepare list o f the products before shopping and pay by cash than the higher educated consumers. Education level is not related to the behaviour o f the consumers when the quality o f product purchased were spoiled or not fit the Standard. In purchasing of food and beverages the most important factor is the price o f the products. Most o f the consumers try to buy products when the price were inexpensive. The majority o f the consumers consider the trademark of the foods and beverages and they tend to purchase the packed foods but not ali of the consumers read the label yet.


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How to Cite

Budak N, Çiçek B, Şahin H. The Food Purchasing Behaviour of the Consumers in Kayseri. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 2005 Jul. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];33(2):71-8. Available from:


