Application of Nanotechnology to Food Products and Its Impact on Health
Nanotechnology, nanofood, food safetyAbstract
Nanotechnology is one of the rapidly emerging, most important scientific and technological fields of our age. The use of nanotechnology in food sector, is advancing relatively slower compared to other scientific branches due to the fact that foods are sensitive and complex units. Despite this slow advance, food sector, with the use of this technology, is largely studied and progressing in many fields such as improving shelf life by developing new packaging products, developing new functional products, carrying bioactive substances and their controlled release, determining patogenes with the help of nano sized sensors and indicators and benefiting from nanoparticles in water purification. Bringing in desired features to foods such as content, texture, flavor by adding into nutrition products some nanounits that have various color, flavor and nutrition features, takes place in potential nutrition applications and research areas of nanotechnology.