Sterilize Süt
Sterilize SütAbstract
Sterilized milk has gained a tremendous importance in Dairy Industry. Particularly in hot climate areas sterilized milk has numerous advantages. Broadly, sterilization process can be divited into two as; a ) Low Temperature Sterilization, b ) High Temperature Sterilization. With the introduction of Tetra — Pakaseptic packing a new era in the Sterilized Milk Industry has commenced The probems occurin, in ong Temperature ong Time process has been overcome to a marked degree by Ultra High Temperature ( UHT ) process. The UHT process utilizes either direct or inrirect heating method . In Turkey the UHT process is successfuly applied in a number of Dairy Plants. When one coasiders the climatic facto rs and the limitations of transportation , steriized milk seems to be the best solution to Turkey with her Dairy Industry problems.