Ankara - Çubuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Bölgesinde 0 - 6 Yaş Gurubu Çocuklarında Malnütrisyon Hızı
Ten seperate surveys carried out in Çubuk are covering 2397 ınfants and preschool children. Results indicated that 20-25 % of the children are below Standard vveight and 25-30 of them are bellovv Standard height. These data ,show similarity to those of other studies undertaken in dıfferent parts of the country. There are approxirnately 8.400.000 ınfonts and preschooi chiidren in Turksy. Assuming the malnutrition rate 20 % there should be 1.,680.000 infants and preschooi chiidren suffering from malnutrition. Since malnutrition of the early years of life causes physicai and mental disordeıs and retardation which are ırreversıble, the case is stili keeping its seriousness and ımportance, ıt is very ımportent to find realistic and effective ways to combat the problem.