Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women and Their Relations to Hemoglobin and Birth Weigh
In order to examine the relations betvveen the pregnant women's nutritional status, anemia and the baby's birth weight; 100 pregnant \vomen and their babies at Ankara Sosyal Sigortalar Matemity Hospital were taken in research. ît is observed that 10.0 :% of the pregnant women were getting insufficient energy. 70.0 % of the pregnant women were consum- , ing excessive energy. The levels of total protein, animal protein, and iron consumption were generally insufficient. Most of the pregnants were consuming vitamin C in excessive amounts. The relationship between baby's birth weight and the nutrition conditions of the pregnant, vvere found insignificant (P > 0.05). It was found that the relationship between the animal protein consumption and the hemoglobin levels was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The relationship between the baby’s birth weight and the insufficient gain of weight was calculated as impotant. The correlations between the height, the total number of pregnancies, the number of living babies of the women and the baby’s weight were found to be statistically significant (P < 0.05).