The Effect of Socio - Economic Conditions on Growth, Development and Obesity Among Adolescents in Turkey


  • Bike Aksu Kocaoğlu Boğaziçi University
  • Orhan Köksal H. Ü. Department of Public Health




Tlıis study is designed to assess various factors suclı as socio - economic status, cultural level, jnutritional stiatus, age and sex on development of obesity during adolescence. Two groups of adolescent children betvveen the ages of 11 and 15 with different socio-economis and cultural background were studied. The first group is from a private junior high sclıool in Ankara where children of high socio - economic status attend. The second group is from a public junior high school of a semi urban area, 40 kilometres from Ankara. The descriptive analysis of subjects from these two different socio - economic backgrounds revealed majör differences between the education and income levels of families of subjects studied. The evaluation of height measurements for age have shown 10 cins difference on the average between two socio - economic groups at ali ages. The assessment of lobesity, rnade by using weight for height tables was made. 15.9 % of children from high socio - economic group and 22,5 % of children from low gocio - economic group were classified as overweight and obese respectively. Children of high socîo - economic status were found to be more active physically than children from Jow socio - economic group. Availability of well progtrammed sports activities with adequate facilities enabled these children to get involved in sports and exercise. Food consumption patterns of these two groups were ^ssessed by frequency use of foods techniques. Children from high socio - economic group were found to be consuming a more varied diet rich in animal proteins and fats. Whereas, the typical diet of children from low socio - economic group consisted mainly of cereals, sugars and vegetables with insignificant amounts of <dairy Products. The num,ber of meals consumed ateo significantly different. Children from high socio - economic group had proper 3 meals with more than one snack daily. The results of this study have clearly demonstrated the effects of socio - economic and cultural status on the development of obesity during adolescence. Type of diet, inadequate physical activity are strongly influenced by socio - economic status. Short stature attained especially among girls of Iow socio - economic group raises the question whether children showing a tendency tovvards obesity during adolescence, may become obese women after frequent pregnancies should also be studied.


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How to Cite

Aksu Kocaoğlu B, Köksal O. The Effect of Socio - Economic Conditions on Growth, Development and Obesity Among Adolescents in Turkey. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1985 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];14:25-37. Available from:


