Food Preparation, Cooking and Storage Methods Used by Housewifes Living in Different Socio -Economic Status
Food preparation, cooking and storage methods used by 300 housewives living in different socio-economic status were investigated. The food preparation facilities of the families \vere found to be satisfactory, but in food preparation and cooking methods many errors were occurred by the families. Soaking water of grain legumes (83.1 %) and rice (76.9 %), cooking water oı macaroni (87.5 %), grain legumes (75.5 %) and potatoes (59.7 %) were discarded. Boiling (% 49.2) and frying (% 37.5) were the mostly used methods in cooking. 44.7 % of the housewiv£s were using the frying oil twice. 80.8 % of cooked meals were stored in refrigerators. 85.8 % of the families were processing food for winter.