The Effect of the Intensive Group Education Program on Metabolic Control in the People with Diabetes Mellitus


  • Emel Özer Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Diabetes and Istanbul University, Experimental Medicine Research Institute of Diabetes
  • Selda Gedik Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Diabetes and Istanbul University, Experimental Medicine Research Institute of Diabetes
  • Temel Yılmaz Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Diabetes and Istanbul University, Experimental Medicine Research Institute of Diabetes
  • Serpil Salman Istanbul University, Experimental Medicine Research Institute of Diabetes


diabetes mellitus, diabetes education, group education, metabolic control


İn this study, we aimed to investigate the efficiency o f intensive group education program on metabolic regulation in people with diabetes. Diabetes education program were giv enfor 2 days to 38 diabetics (12 type 1 diabetics and 26 type 2 diabetics) who hav e not taken education before in groups o f 8-10. A cjuestionnaire including 24 cjuestions w er e applied to check the diabetes knowledge o f patients at the beginning and after the course. The values o f HbAıc, body mass iııdex, fasting blood glııcose and lipid profile 3 months before, at baseline and at 3 nd, 6 th,9 th,12th months after education were compared. No dijference was observed between body mass index and metabolic parameters except diabetes knowledge level, fasting blood glııcose and HbAıc values before and after education. İn contrast, compared to the entry, after the education, diabetes knowledge level \vas increased significantly (p<0.001 , HbAıc levels \vere found to be significantly lovver at 3 nd, 6 th,9 th months [9.5±2.8; 7.3±1.5 (p<0.001); 7.4±1.2 (p<0.001); 8.6±1.2 (p<0.05) respectively] and fasting blood glııcose levels were fo u n d to be significantly lo\ver at 3 nd, 6 th months [ 191.7±65.5; 168.9±91.9 (p<0.05); 157.54±55.2 (p<0.05) respectively]. But no significant difference was observed in HbAıc betvveen entty and at 12th nıotıth. We conclııded that intensive group education is ejfective on metabolic control up to 9th months bııt to achieve continııoııs ejficacy in long term, the education program shoııld be repeated in regular intervals.


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How to Cite

Özer E, Gedik S, Yılmaz T, Salman S. The Effect of the Intensive Group Education Program on Metabolic Control in the People with Diabetes Mellitus. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1999 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];28(2):14-9. Available from:


