Türkiye’de Hipertansiyon için Risk Oluşturan Beslenmeye İlişkin Faktörleri Araştıran Çalışmaların Meta Analizi ile Değerlendirilmesi


  • Fatma Çelik Dicle University Hospital
  • Rojan Arcak Dicle University Faculty of Medicine Biostatistics
  • Yusuf Çelik Dicle University Faculty of Medicine Biostatistics


nutrition, meta analysis, hypertension


The aiııı o f this stııdy is to achieve more reliable and commoner results by combining with Meta Analysis o f the fındings in the stııdies that hav e earlier investigated varioııs factors regarding nutrition that are thought to effect hypertension in Tıırkey and hav e obtaiııed different results. These overall results put an end to controversial comments that confuse the readers' mind. With the help o f Meta Analysis, the comments \vlıich \vas done by combining the results o f ali researches as a bigger example, beconıes more dependable and sensible. As hypertension is very important on hııman health, nutritional and other factors that effect this sııbject have beetı stııdied by a lot o f researclıers and different results have been published. İn this stııdy, varioııs researches \vhich had investigated nutrional and other factors that effect hypertension and foıınd different results dııring 19901995 w ere searched from different recoıırses. Dııring our research, seven o f the stııdies \vere foıınd sııitable for the criteria that \ve motiened for Meta Analysis and the results \vere combined \vith Mantel Haenszel Test. Meta Analysis consists some techniques \vhich were developed for collecting, orgaııising and defıning data of some researches on a specific sııbject. The fındings o f ali researches \vere combined with Meta Analysis and hıst sıımmary results aboııt this sııbject \vere gained. Signifıcant results w er e foıınd bet\veen, blood pressııre and kind offats consıımed (x2MH= 32.47, p<0.001), salt consumption (x2MH=4! .14, p<0.001), BMI (x2MH= 75.60, p<0.001), doing exercise (x2MH- 27.08, p<0.00l), age (x 2mh= 5 8 7 P<0.001), sex (x2MH= 39.07, p<0.001), hypertension story in family (x2MH= 20.86, p<0.001), smokiııg (x2MH= 13.07, p<0.05). Non signifıcaııt results \vere foıınd bet\veen blood pressııre and alcohol consıımption {x2nm= 1.680, p>0.05). Tlıose comments are more dependable expressions that combines the conjlicting results of stııdies \vhich have been done till no\v by the help o f Meta Analysis.


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How to Cite

Çelik F, Arcak R, Çelik Y. Türkiye’de Hipertansiyon için Risk Oluşturan Beslenmeye İlişkin Faktörleri Araştıran Çalışmaların Meta Analizi ile Değerlendirilmesi. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1999 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];28(2):7-13. Available from: https://beslenmevediyetdergisi.org/index.php/bdd/article/view/780


