Nutritional Sıgnıfıcancy Of Dietary Amino Acid Imbalance


  • Bahtiyar Ünver Hacettepe University




Interrelationships exist between dietary nutrient which may influence physiological response of organism. Therefoıe it is no longer tru e to evaluate a diet solely on its carbonhydrates, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. The quality and quantity of the individual n u trien ts must be considered as well. In human nutrition a vai'iety and abundance of foodstuffs available which can make possible to select a balanced diet. On the other hand, a wide choice of foods available, may limit the intake of other important foods which co n trib u te balance to the diet. Protein raquirement may be influenced by the occıırrence of amino acid imbalances in the diet.Amino acid imbalances occur when the percentage of one or more amino acids in a diet is so low; hence, the efficiency of protein utilization fail. As a result, some adverse effects such as a drop of food intake, a depression in growth o r an increase in th e need for one or more amino acids becomes evident. Today, m a jo rity of the population in devloping countries is dependent upon plan t proteins. Since biological value of plant proteins is lower than animal protein, adequate protein balance from plant sources can be achieved by selection of plant foods that complement one another in essential amino acids by addition of short amino acid diretly to the food.


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How to Cite

Ünver B. Nutritional Sıgnıfıcancy Of Dietary Amino Acid Imbalance. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1988 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];17(1):131-9. Available from:


