Dıet, Haır, Serum Copper Levels and Interrelatıons Between Zınc In The Elderly
The purpose of this study vvas to assess the copper levels of diet, serum, h a ir of 34 aged and to determine the interrelations betvveen zinc. Dietary copper consumption of the aged vvas 1.167 mg daily. Mean h a ir copper levels of men and vvomen vvere 10.42 Ilg/g. 10.46 |ig/g respectively. Mean serum copper levels vvere 87.70 Itg/dl for men, 97.70 |<.g/dl for vvomen. Mean copper and zinc content of the diet vvas slightly belovv of the recommended dietary daily allovvances. Senam and h a ir copper levels of aged have been assumed to be near the limited values of the normals. Diet and hair zinc - copper rations vvere 8/1 and 21/1 respectively. There were negative but nonsignificant correlations betvveen zinc and copper of foods and serum.