Investıgatıon Of General Nutrıtıon - Growth - Development And Intestınal Parasıtosıs In 3 - 6 Age Group Chıldren Who Are Nourıshed In Socıo Economıcally Different Regıonal Nurserıes and Kındergardens
Barsak ParazitiAbstract
Nutrition , growing state and intestinal parasites were investigated in 3 - 6 age group children who were in 2 socio-economically different kindergarten . Both kindergarten were compared with each other. Parents and kindergarten teachers were questionnaired to evaluate the family structure and nutrition condition at home. Amount of focal consumption , daily average energy and food elements in take of the children were investigated for 3 days. In addition, feces samples of each child were analized 3 times a day for 3 days concerning parasites . The amount of daily avarage food consumption of the children who were in privatekin dergarten was compared with the consumption standards of our country . It was found out that the children in public kindergarden have consumed calcium, thiamin, ribo flav in more than recommended amounts on the other hand, children in private kindergarten were consuming more calcium and nias in than recommended amounts . Nutrients consumption were statisticaly significant between kindergardens and recommended amountsip < 0.01. p < 0.05). It was found out that the children in priva tekindergarten were consuming more daily energy, protein, iron, niacin, calcium, riboflavin and the children in public kindergarden were consuming more Vit. A. The difference between the two with respect to the amounts of energy and food elements were statisticaly significant (p < 0.01, p < 0.05). Intestinal giardiasis were detected in 40 % of the children in private kindergarten and were 60 % in public kindergardens children (p > 0.05). 3 - 6 years of age is very important for both physical and mental growth. Nutrition quality of the children in kindergandens is very important. For this reason, the equilibrium in nutrition must be arranged by a dietition. In addition, education of parents and children in sanitation is mandotory.