The Importance Of Breast Feedıng On Chıldren Wıth Dıarrhoea and Its Effects On Improvement Of Malnutrıtıon


  • Perran Toksöz Dicle University
  • Ersen İlçin Dicle University


İshalli Çocuk


This study had been conducted on 918 children aged between 0 - 36 months old who were suffering from diarrhoea at Health Center in Diyarbakır. İn this survey the prevalence of malnutrition was 54.5% among the children aged between 0 - 1 2 moths old. There was a correlation between malnutrition and educa tiona l level of mothers . Same correlation was also found with breast feeding duration. It was found th a t 72 % of children were breas t-fed during the diarrhoea. Malnutrition percentages was 37.3 % in b re a s t feeding group and 62.7 % in none b re a s t fed group. During the diarrhoea, children aged between 0 - 12 months old were fed with yogurt (12.3 %), milk (9.1 %) and apple or peach (4.2 %). At the aged between 13-36 months, children were fed legumes, bread, yogurt, potato, peach, apple and milk respectively. As a result of this study children were living in u n san ita ry enviromental conditions which were caused for infection diseases and intestinal parasites.


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How to Cite

Toksöz P, İlçin E. The Importance Of Breast Feedıng On Chıldren Wıth Dıarrhoea and Its Effects On Improvement Of Malnutrıtıon. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1989 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];18(1):11-20. Available from:


