The Effects of Partial Replacement of Animal Proteins with Soy Proteins in Children with Hyperlipoproteinemia on Blood Lipids
hyperlipidemia, diet protein, animal protein, vegetable protein, soy protein, serum lipids, lipoproteinsAbstract
This study had been done onfıve 9-12 years old (4 males, one fenıtıle) patients \vith hyperlipoproteinemia in the Department o f Metabolism, Ihscuı Doğramacı Children Hospital, Hacettepe University Faculty o f Mediciııe. The patients \vere not ıısiııg any lipid lo\vering drugs,four children \vere type IIa and one \vas type IV. In the study, the effects ö f partici l replacement o f animal proteins with soy proteins lıave been evaluated. At the beginııing o f the study dietary habits o f the children prior to treatment hav e been investigated. The study was carried out in ftvo phases, each lasting one nıonth and patients nutrient regııirements determined according to RDA. In phase I, 12% o f energy was supplied by p ro te ins (animal 60%, vegetable 40 %), 25% from fa t (satıırated 5%, monounsaturated 10 %, polyunsaturated 10 %) and restfrom carbohydrates. Cholesterol intake was plaııned as 150 nıglday. In phase II, animal proteins were redııced by 10% and replaced with soybeaııs p ro teins which \vas given by the special produet called Nutri- Soya. In the beginııing, phase I and II o f the study fo - ur o f the patients \vere less than 50th percentile o f weight and height according to age. There were no statistical dijference betweeıı t\vo phases. In the beginııing, phase I and II , blood lipids o f patients were determined. When soy diet was taken total cholesterol, triglyceride, VLDL-cholesterol, and Apo B-100 decreased 9.6%, 28.1%, 28.1%, 5.2% respeetively. Ho\vever diffe r ence was not statistically sigııificaııt. This can be attributed to the short study period and sıııall number of patients.