A Study on Food Habits Cuid Coıısumption Levels of Studeııts Stııdying at the Department of Physical Education and sports of Dicle University


  • Fatma Çelik Dicle University School of Medicine Department of Diseases
  • Perran Toksöz Dicle University Faculty of Medicine Department of Public Health Department


sportive activities, students, food habits, food consumption level


This study was carried oııt in order to deternıine fo od habits and consıımption levels o f tlıe stııdeııts stııdying at the Department o f Physical Edııcation and Sports, Dicle University. A total o f 60 subjects, 30 nıales aııd 30 females, were seleeted randonıly among the stııdents. Ali o f the subjects in the groııps were those takiııg part in individııal or group sports program given thetn at sehool. Three day foo d consıımption levels o f the stııdents \vere investigated by individııal fo o d consıımption survey. İn addition, basal metabolic rate, physical aetivities during sport activities, and BMI o f the stııdents were determined, and average daily energy consıınıption was foıınd by the nıethod sııggested by WHO/FAO/ UNU. According to BMI , 33.3% o f the fenıale and 6.6% o f the nıale stııdents vvere ıındenveight and poor nııtritional habits \vere conımon among the stııdents at each geııder. As a result o f the study, it \vcıs foıınd that nıale stııdents consıınıed 2563±320 kcal o f energy \vhile spending 3028.1 ±399 kcal (p=0.01863); a n d fenıale stııdents consumed 1946.9±679 kcal o f energy while spending 2321.9±272 kcal (p=0068). Protein, total f a l , ıınsatıırated fat, calciıını, iroıı, vitamin A and (3 caroteııe, thiamin, riboflavin and niaciıı consıımption levels of fenıale stııdents were foıınd to be belo\v their reqııirement coıısiderably (p<0.01). Satıırated fa t coıısıımption, however, was significaııtly above their recjııirenıent (p<0.001). It was also foıınd that nıany ııııtrients consunıption (protein, ıınsatıırated fat, riboflavin, niacin, iron and total fat) o f nıale stııdents were significaııtly insufficient.


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How to Cite

Çelik F, Toksöz P. A Study on Food Habits Cuid Coıısumption Levels of Studeııts Stııdying at the Department of Physical Education and sports of Dicle University. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1999 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];28(1):4-9. Available from: https://beslenmevediyetdergisi.org/index.php/bdd/article/view/705


