Physical Anthropometrıc Measurements and Related Nutritional Parameters At The Kındergartens Of Central Edirne
From 5 kindcrgartens located in Central Edirne, 177, 3-6 years children have been searehed anthropometrically. Among the physical measurements such as vveight, height, upper mid-arm circumference, triceps skin fold thickness and the elements of nutritional history from the birth at to day the relationships and interaetion have been examined by simple anda multiple correlation technics. Children vvere categoriscd into 4 percentilc quartilcs by referring to different standarts. VVhcn compared vvith the domestic standarts in terms of Neyzi and Koksal, global picturc is pink color. According to the NCHS/CDC standarts, there have been no significant differences at birth despite a gap gradually occur by the time passed. Our sample comes from relatively high socio-cconomic status families and therefore doesn't represint the entirc 3-6 age childrcn in Edirne although the sampling covers whole kindergartens.