Growth and Development Of Normal and Low Bırth Weıght Babıes
normal doğumAbstract
This study was carried out in Ankara to compare the grovvth and development of normal and low birth vveight babies at the end of their first year. It was observed that the average birth vveight of low birth vveight babies in the study was 2090±35.2 g and they reached an average vveight of 3458±166.7 g at the end of their first year. On the other hand, the average birth vveight of normal babies vvas 3328±44.3 g and 10033+122.1 g at the age of one year. According to these findings, birth weight affected grovvth and development in both groups of babies. Although lovv birth vveight babies grew rapidly and gained more vveight than normal babies, they did not reach the weight of normal babies during this period.