Changıng Of Turkısh Food Pattern In Hıstorıcally Development Up Till Today


  • Selma Birer Hacettepe University


Türk Mutfağı


Nutrition is one of the human requirements, must be concerned with cultural implication of foods and eating besides organic functions. "Turkish food pattem" means; ali Turkish foods and drinks have eaten meals.typical of various regions is aware of differences in menus, food preparation and local term for foods or special dishes. In traditional Turkish food culture, dishes and beverages reveral a rich variety of sweets. An economic structure and social life based upon agriculture and animal husbandry has played a majör role in the development of the art of pastry and svveet making among the Turks. Novvadays in Turkey, we have a lot of traditional dishes and svveets. But vve have to point out that these historical and traditional dishes and svveets have forgotten because of immigration, civilization and urbanization. Introducing these dishes and sevvects on the vvorld vve nced a serious research and revievvs about nutritive values and tastes. If it is done vve vvould make a use of advantage for improving Turkish export.


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How to Cite

Birer S. Changıng Of Turkısh Food Pattern In Hıstorıcally Development Up Till Today. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1990 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];19(2):251-60. Available from:


