Secular Change In Adult Stature (1960-1985)
boy uzunluğuAbstract
Height of the private soldiers who vvere bom in the years 1940, 45, 50, 55, 60 and 65 is studied through the registrations of Sivas Recruitting Office. Height of the 1940 cohord vvas found significantly shorter than of the succeeding cohords (p<0.05). This is attributed to the unfavourable conditions of the 2nd VVorld War days. No significant difference vvere observed in betvveen the heights of 1945 and the follovving cohords (p>0.05). This finding implies that the living standards of the people who live in Sivas province has not improved during the last two decades. The subjects of ali cohords (except 1940 cohords) who vvere brought up in the province çenter vvere found significantly taller than the villagers. This might probably be due to the better living conditions of the city olwellers might probably be due to the better living conditions of the city dvvellers than of the villagers.