Fat Concentratıon Of Breast Milk


  • Fatma Türkmen Diyetisyen
  • Kadriye Kayakırılmaz Hacettepe University
  • Doğan Çermik Hacettepe University


anne sütü


The fat concentration of human milk vvas studied during the course of one fecd and throughout the day in 28 vvomen ranging in age from 18 to 30 years. Six miİk samples per day vvere obtained from each of 28 mothers, deliveriııg at term on day 30 ± 3 of Iactation. Breast milk samples vvere collected before the fecd (forc-milk) and immcdiatcly aftervvards (hind-milk) in the morning, the afternoon and evening by manual expression into plastic containers. They vvere immediately frozen and held at 20’C until analyzed. The fat concentration of the breast milk samples vvas measured by the ereamatoerit method. The mean concentration of fat vvas 4.16 ± 0.27 g / 100 mL. Fat content varied in the course of suckling but remained constant during the day. Maternal dietary intakes vvere determined by vveighing ali foods and beverages consumed in 24 hours at the end of the 1 st month of the post-partum period. The average daily energy and nutrients intakes vvere: 2266 kcal, 78.5 g protein, 77.4 g fat, 314 g carbohydrate, 16.5 mg Fe, 870 mg Ca, 5977 IU vitamin A, 1.35 mg thiamin, 1.44 mg riboflavin, 12.26 mg niacin and 119.5 mg ascorbic acid. The percentagc of kilocalories supplied by protein, fat and carbohydrate in the lactating vvomens diet vvas 13.9%, 30.7%, and 55.4% respectively. There vvas no correlation betvveen milk fat concentration and mothers' dietary intakes of fat, protein and energy. The physical grovvth and development of the infants from birth to one month of age vvas found to be saticfactory and in line vvith WHO grovvth standards.


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How to Cite

Türkmen F, Kayakırılmaz K, Çermik D. Fat Concentratıon Of Breast Milk. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1990 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];19(2):189-98. Available from: https://beslenmevediyetdergisi.org/index.php/bdd/article/view/682


