The Effect Of Nutrition Education Of Pregnant Vvomen On The Bırth Weıgth


  • Mualla Aykut Erciyes University
  • Yusuf Öztürk Erciyes University
  • Osman Günay Erciyes University




This study vvas carried out for the purpose of fiııdiııg out the effect of nutrition education of pregnant vvomen on the birth vveight. For this reason, 6 midvvife districts in Talaş Health Çenter Area in Kayseri Traiııing and Research Health District vvas divided into tvvo part as control and study districts, considcring the distancc, the population, social, ccoııomic and cultural factors. İn these districts, in January, February, March, April, 1989, various properties belonging tö 86 vvomen vvho vvere uııder 4 months of thcir pregnancies, vvere ııoted on the study knovvledge forms and each pregnant vvas examined by the physician of the health çenter. Than 39 pregnant vvomen in control group vvere given up to the routine home-visiting of the midvvifes. 47 pregnants vvere cducated on nutrition subjects in the mcetings performed tvvice a month in the health çenter - vvhile the routine home-visits vvere continueing. The babies of these pregnancies vvere vveighed and measured on the first and second days after birth. The study vvas evaluated according the data of 43 pregnants in study group and 24 pregnants in control group due to the pregnants vvho moved from the study district, abortion, dead birth and one midvvife lcaving the district. According to the obtained results, lovv birth vveight vvas found to be 2.3 % in study group, 12.5 % in control group and 6.0 % in vvhole group. As to the average birth vveight and height, no differences vvere found betvveen study and control groups. It was found out that there vvere relations betvveen the birth vveight and mothers education, birth interval and inadequete food intake from meat group and dairy product. Nutrition education was effective on reducing anemia rate in the pregnants and on their adequate food consumption from meat group, dairy product and vegetables and fruits.


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How to Cite

Aykut M, Öztürk Y, Günay O. The Effect Of Nutrition Education Of Pregnant Vvomen On The Bırth Weıgth. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1990 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];19(2):157-71. Available from:


