Oesophagus, Stomach and Liver Cancer Incidence in Kyzlorda District (Oblast) of Kazakhstan Republic Related With Enviromental Factors
Aral Sea, environment, cancer, gastro-ıntestinal system, Central AsiaAbstract
Environmental and geographic changes around Aral sea region has been causing an inerease incidence of some cancer cases in Kyzlorda district (oblast) of Kaza - khistan. These cancer cases ar e rnostly oesophagııs, stomach and liver cancers. The rate of oesophagııs cancer cases in the oblast is 1.8-4.7 tinıes higher than in the Republic rate. Although stomach cancer rate has been decreasing during the last 15 years, it shows stili high rate in the area. However, liver cancer rate has been itıcreasing during the last 15 years of time. The main reason ofthis could be due to the high incidence of ende - mic lıepatic in the oblast. It has been also observed that the incidence of stomach and liver cancer cases aıe higher benveen the Russion and Korean than Kazak s. Age groııp 60-69 is considered to be highest risk group. The reason of tlıese three different digestive system canceıs are that inadecjuate and imbalance nutrition, negative environmental factors and the qııality of drirıking water. High mineral and nitrit contents of drinking water as well as high hepatit incidence due to virüs A-B are also another main factors of the the disease commotıly seen in the area.