Interactıon Between Nutrıents, Pro-İnflammatory Cytokınes And Inflammatıon: Nutrıtıonal Modulatıon
Nutrients, antioxidants, inflammation, cytokinesAbstract
The pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin 1 & 6 (IL-1 & 6) and tıımour necrosis fa c to r (TNF) and fre e radicals ar e released in infection, traııma, cancer and during inflammaiory diseases. Free radicals and cytokines enhance each otlıers production, thereby increasirıg pathological effects. Nııtrients exert widespread tnodulatory effects on cytokine biology. Sııboptimal nutrition during pregnancy may lead to lorıg ternı changes in cytokine biology in the offspruıg. Dietary antioxidants (vitamin E and catechuıs) and precursors o f antioxidant defences (sulphur amino acids), suppress up-regulation o f cytokine production by fre e radicals. Fats rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fa tty acids (PUFAS) suppress, and fats rich in n-6 PUF As enhance, the production and effects o f IL-1 and TNF.