A Research On Some Rısk Factors In Arterıosclerotıc Cardıac Dısease


  • Metin Saip Sürücüoğlu Ankara University


kalp hastalığı


This research has been planned and carried out at the Cardiology Clinic o f Education-Research Hospital o f Selçuk University in order to study some risk factors o f the patients for whom arteriosclerotic cardiac disease has been diagnosed. For this purpose, 73 patients have been included in the scope o f research, 45 males and 28 females between the age groups o f 40- 79. It has been determined that 58.90 % o f the subjects have their meals with salt whereas 41.10 % have without salt. In the research, 68.49 % o f the subjects has been stated that they do not drink alcohol and 36.99 % o f them informed that they do not smoke. No important relationship has been found statistically between the blood pressures o f the subjects and having the meal with or without salt, smoking, drinking alcohol, body weight and ages (p > 0.05).


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How to Cite

Sürücüoğlu MS. A Research On Some Rısk Factors In Arterıosclerotıc Cardıac Dısease. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1995 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];24(1):87-9. Available from: https://beslenmevediyetdergisi.org/index.php/bdd/article/view/532


