The Preferences of Fruit and Vegetables Consumption and Nutritional Status of Smoking and Non -smoking People Aged 19-24 Years Old
Smoking, fruit and vegetables preference, food consumptionAbstract
This study was conducted to determine the nutritional attitudes, nutritional status and the preference of fruit and vegetables o f 200 smoking (boys 50, girls 50) and non-smoking (boys 50, girls 50) students, aged 19-24 years old. It was found that, most of smoking or non-smoking students had normal body mass index values (respectively 85%, 79% ). Smoking students reported that, they had decreased appetite (83.1%) due to smoking. Skipping of meals were found higher in smoking students than the others. In general the students were smoking just after the meal (37%). The consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables between meals were found higher in smoking than non-smoking students (respectively 15%, 38%). Frying and stirfrying were prefered by smoking students as a cooking methods of vegetables. Also, steaming and stewing were prefered by tıonsmoking students. The frequency of consumption of leafy green vegetables every day and several times a week were higher in non-smoking students. Mean intakes of energy, protein and fat were found signifıcantly higher in smoking than non-smoking males (p<0.05). Fiber, thiamine, niacin and vitamin C intakes vvere found higher in non-smoking than smoking females (p<0.05). It could be concluded that, health professionals should give ed.uca.tion on healthy nutrition to smoking youths. Also, the consumption of fruits and vegetables which are the main sources for vitamins and minerals, should be ıncreased by smoking people.