Present Situation on Nutrition in Elderly


  • Neslişah Rakıcıoğlu Hacettepe University


Elderly, nutritional status, nutrient intakes


In this review, studies about nutrition in elderly a n d n u tritio n a l a ssessm en t were summarized. N u tr ie n ts su c h as energy, p ro te in , thiamin,riboflavin, vitamin A, calcium and iron were, consumed insuffıciently among older people, commonly. Especially, breakfast was the skipped meal in elderly living at home and institutions. It xvas shown that malnourished elderly can be seen among the ones living at home, institution and hospital. It is too difficult to draw a general conclusion from available studies because o f the diffe r e n t meth o d s f o r n u tr itio n a l a ssessm ent. Available studies about elderly are not large enough to prepare fo o d and nutrition plan and policy, and improving nutritional guidelines. To realize an extensive national study o f elderly on nutrition and health status can provide Information about healthy life, nutrition, and eating habits o f these population and precautions and elderly nutrition education can be executed.


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How to Cite

Rakıcıoğlu N. Present Situation on Nutrition in Elderly. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 2007 Jan. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];35(1):47-52. Available from:


