The Effect of Nutrition Support Applied with Gastrostonıy to Cystic Fibrosis Patients Having Growth and Develo pment Retardation and Malnutrition on Biochemica l and Anthroponıetric Parameters


  • Makbule Gezmen Hacettepe University
  • Gülden Köksal Hacettepe University
  • Uğur Özçelik Hacettepe University
  • Deniz Doğru Hacettepe University
  • Arbay Özden Çiftçi Hacettepe University


Cystic fibrosis, malnutrition, enteral nutrition, gastrostomy


The research has been carried out with H.U. Ihsan Doğramacı C h ild ren 's H o sp ita l, The Department o f Pediatric Chest Disease, The D ep a rtm en t o f P e d ia tr ic S u rg e ry a n d The Department o f Nutrition and Dietetics. The study was done between September 2001-May 2003 and conducted on cystic fibrosis patients with malnutrition and retarded growth rate with last 6 months. In this study 4 patients were given pancreatic enzyme therapy and a high energy and fa t diet orally during the day and fo r the gastrostomy d u r in g n ig h t f o r 5 mo n th s. D u r in g the research anthropometric and biochemical measurements were taken. Twenty fo u r hour records fo r fo o d consumption were determined once a week and pulmonary funetions were followed up. At the end o f the study, the inerease in weight, height, mid-upper arm circumference and the level o f hemoglobin, hematoerit, and albumin were fo u n d to be s ta tis tic a lly s ig n ific a n t (p<0.10). Serum G lu tam ic O x a lo a c e tic Trarısaminase (SGOT) a n d Serum Glutamic P y ru v ic T ra n sam in a se (SGPT) le v e ls were decreased and shown to be statistically signifıcant (p<0.10). Although fo rced expiratory volüme (FEVİ), fo rc ed vital capacitiy (FVC) and forced expiratory'flow (FEF25-75) weren't found to be statistically signiflcant (p>0.10), there w ere positive developments achived in the p atients' clinical progress. According to the results o f this study, the nutrition support applied with gastrostomy makes a positive effect on the clinical and b io ch em ica l p ro g r e s s o f the c y stic fib r o s is patients having growth and development retardation and malnutrition.


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How to Cite

Gezmen M, Köksal G, Özçelik U, Doğru D, Çiftçi A Özden. The Effect of Nutrition Support Applied with Gastrostonıy to Cystic Fibrosis Patients Having Growth and Develo pment Retardation and Malnutrition on Biochemica l and Anthroponıetric Parameters. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 2007 Jan. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];35(1):31-40. Available from:


