Importance of Iodine in Pregnancy and Lactation
Iodine, pregnant, lactationAbstract
Iodine is an essential element for thyroid hormone synthesis. Daily iodine need is met from the food grown in iodine-rich soil and seafoods. A group of developmental and functional diseases defined as “Iodine Deficiency Disorders-IDD” develop beginning from fetal period to adulthood when daily intake of iodine is not sufficient. Maternal iodine deficiency leads to abortion, still birth, congenital anomalies, perinatal mortality; newborn deaths and endemic cretenism in newborn period; mental dysfunction and physical growth and developmental delay in childhood and adolescence period. The only iodine source is breast milk for a baby who is fed with only breast milk. Iodine deficiency is known to continue in pregnant and lactating women although iodization is gradually increasing worldwide and our country has become among the countries where iodine intake is optimal. Daily iodine need cannot be met with only iodised salt consumption in pregnant and lactating women and also this leads to harmful effects for health (hypertension, edema, hypercalciuria). Therefore a multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement which contains 150 μg elementary iodine daily is administered to the pregnant women and lactating mothers in some countries where iodised salt intake is sufficient. In conclusion, this is a health problem to be corrected also for our country and the community should be informed and required regulations should be arranged.