The Relatıonshıp Between Calcium Consumption Levels And Socioeconomic Classes Of Eldery People


  • Şebnem Soyuer Ankara University
  • Nevin Aktaş Ankara University


Elderly, socioeconomic level, calcium consumption


7 he aim o f t his study to examine the calcium consumption levels of people aged behvcetı 60-74, who are belongıng to different socioeconomic classes. Data regardiııg the nutrition hav e be en collect in 3 consecjuent days by the method of 24-hoıırs diet recall. The arnoıınds of calcium consumption have becn calculated by means of I or>d Composition" table. The resıılts have beetı evaluated accorditıg to standart values and method of 3 « v. a resul t, inadequate, adeqııate and high cons'umptions have been determined. The average calcium consumption o f elderly people in lo\v, mediurtı and high level of socioeconomic classes have beeıı found as 461A 6±22.15 mg, 441.91±21.66 mg and 570.07±28.75 mg, ı espectively. 1 he ratio o f elderly people consumed calcium in ıııadequate level is 47.45 % and in adequate Level is 442 7 %. The remaining 8.28 % o f elderly people consumed calcium in high level. ît can be concludcd from t his study t hat socioeconomic level does affect the calcium consumption o f elderly people.


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How to Cite

Soyuer Şebnem, Aktaş N. The Relatıonshıp Between Calcium Consumption Levels And Socioeconomic Classes Of Eldery People. Bes Diy Derg [Internet]. 1997 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];26(1):25-7. Available from:


